Sunday 8 December 2013


Show me a happy person, and I will show you a person admired by many people

How many times have you spent time with a depressed person?  How much do you like visiting the prisons, hospital compared to an eatery, amusement park or wedding occasion?                                                                                       
 How many days do you spend visiting a family who lost a member or talking to someone who always complain about one problem or the other? 

By now you should have realized that people want to be associated with happy people not depressed or sad people…It’s simply human nature!

The whole essence of living is to be happy. The whole of life’s challenges and activities is to crave happiness. Happiness is a feeling that has been embedded in us since cradle. Nobody taught you how to smile, laugh or play; you naturally discovered these activities of life. While growing up; you feel that unexplainable emotion when you get your result and you did well; you feel happy and proud of yourself. You get excited when your parents show you off or compare you positively with another person.

You visit your friends and loved ones because you want to chat, see them or discuss issues with them to make you happy, you started your business not because you want to have somewhere to go to every day, but rather because you probably want to have a sense of fulfillment or money to earn the good things of life. People get married because they want to have someone who cherishes them, because they want to be happy…so is you and your spouse!

Happiness is an emotion that encompasses all walks of life. It is an unexplainable feeling that makes you feel that you are lighter, better, more fulfilled than others. It puts you in “Cloud Nine”. Happiness is the soul of life, it is a constantly seeker of man. It has been discovered to give a person untold leverage in life.


1.      It Paves Way For You: Being noted for an exciting, enthusiastic person make people see you like a wonderful, wise, fulfilled person. You are perceived with a good attitude. It makes you look nice and people trust that you could help them with their problems. They perceive you as someone who is capable of handling issues. When going for a contract or meeting a prospective client with a cheerful happy attitude makes them feel that you are sure of yourself, your product or your idea. You create the impression that you will be good to the clients, staff and you will be fun to do business with.

In your marriage; meeting a determined annoyed spouse with a smile and happy attitude will make your spouse see the issue as not being too serious. It leads to your spouse having second thoughts about his or her reaction.

Happiness paves way for a lot of things; things that could have been difficult comes to you easily.

2.      It gives you a fulfilled day:   sometimes you might wonder why a 24hour day is unnecessarily long and boring and other times it seems so short that you couldn’t get enough of it. The fact is “it’s the same length, the same time”. The truth is being depressed or sad make the day seem so boring and slow and being happy makes you feel on top of the world. You find everything you do exciting and fun that you hate to see the day end. Request that you might normally find hard or timid to ask seem like “Well! What do I have to lose”. Words that could normally annoy you seem like a joke to you. Issues that might seem complicated seem like you’ve just got the right solution to it. Being happy simply make you a fulfilled person and most importantly…

3.Happiness makes you see opportunities: opportunities they say is “Luck meeting preparation”. And what better way can you be prepared than to be happy!  Being happy help you harness all your inner power and senses to situations happening around you. It makes you see issues in great detail without using emotions but logic as basis for judgment. This gives you the opportunity to glimpse issues that normally could have slipped away from you as opportunities that they truly are.  
Happiness is a great enhancer of opportunities and that is why most fulfilled people are happy successful people.                             

Go meet your success!

Thursday 28 November 2013


-If a child lives with criticism
He learns to condemn

-If a child lives with hostility
He learns violence.

-If a child lives with shame
He learns to feel guilty

-If a child lives with ridicule
He learns to be shy

-If a child lives with encouragement
He learns confidence

-If a child lives with fairness
He learns justice.

-If a child lives with praise
He learns to appreciate

-If a child lives with security
He learns faith

-If a child lives with approval
He learns to like himself

-If a child lives with acceptance and friendship
He learns to love the world!

# Dorothy Law Noltre

Wednesday 13 November 2013


We all have dreams. We all want to believe that deep down in our souls that we have a special gift, that we can make a difference, that we can touch others in a special way and that we can make the world a better place. At one point in time we all had a vision for the quality of life that we desire and deserves, yet for so many; those dreams have become shrouded in the frustrations and routines of daily life that we no longer even make an effort to accomplish them.
 Do you remember when M.K.O Abiola was contesting for president? Do you remember when Abacha was still the president of Nigeria? Do you remember hearing the news that Abiola, Fela and Abacha died?

Think for a moment. Where were you then? What were you like? Who were your friends? What were your hopes and dreams? If someone had asked you; where will you be in ten or fifteen years? What would you have told them? Are you today where you wanted to be back then? Is the girl/boy you were then going to be proud of the woman/man you are Today?

More importantly maybe we should be asking ourselves, “How am I going to live the next ten years of my life? How am I going to live today in order to create the tomorrow I’m committed to? What am I going to stand for from now on? What actions can I take today that will shape my ultimate destiny?
You see ten years from now, you will surely arrive Insha Allah if Allah spare our life. The question is; where? Who will you have become? How will you live? What will you contribute? Now is the time to consciously design the next ten years of your life- not once they’re over. We must seize the moment. We are already immersed in the early part of a new decade.

You see this decade the years between 2010- 2020 is going to be the most exciting world changing decade in the world history: it is going to be a decade where you are given the opportunity to explore your potentials and creativity to the fullest. It is a decade where you see young people become millionaires without necessarily using their college certificates or spending years in a formal organization.

Your potential for success in this decade is as wide as your willingness and determination to succeed. It is going to be a decade of abundance, where the frontier is not limited to your state or country alone but the world at large!

But it is also going to be the most volatile world changing decade in world history! People will be replaced with technology; companies that have existed for decades will be winded, the rate of unemployment will soar and just going to the higher institution for a degree will no longer be enough to make you rich. A decade where rich people can become poor in a twinkle of an eye.

To live a life that matters and make this decade a one of abundance for you; to achieve your outmost in life: you need to play in the area of your core competencies, in the area of your strength. How do you do this? By discovering your gift…. Your talent… and utilizing it to the fullest.
What is your passion? What is the thing that you know how to do better than anyone? What do you get a standing ovation for when you do? What are the activities that give you your greatest sense and purpose in life? What do you think about most of the time?

To figure this out and make it work for you; you need to understand the three parts to great wealth:


1 The first step is to discover your passion. Your passion must either be fulfilling people’s need, creating a value or solving people’s problems. You want to have a passion that is beneficial to the people which they will be willing and ready to pay for. You don’t want a passion that will just earn you applause and end there. Applause, standing ovation or thank you won’t put food on your table. So to choose a viable passion test it with the following: 

  • Profitability & viability test: is it profitabile? Is the idea something that can be utilized in your community?
  •     Test it with your technical skills: do you have the skills to utilize it and if not can you learn it or get someone to utilize it for you.                         
  •   Test it with people: is your idea something they think they can buy? How much will they be willing to pay for it how often will they want to buy it and how many people is interested in your idea?
  • Is it the future or does it fill a need now: can you execute your idea now or do you have to wait till a future date for the time to be right?
  •  Can you cope with the competition, if not where are the gaps?:    Do you have the resources, funds, skills and business know how to compete favorably with the competition if not where are the gaps? What are they not doing or which segment of your niche are they not addressing that you can come in and service?

2  Develop your brand and cash it: you don’t want to be another fashion designer, you don’t want to be another website designer, you don’t want to be another Engineer; you want to be the best in your field and love your clients by giving them the best deal possible and by treating them right. 
CocaCola may be just as any other cola product out there. But it is a global brand today because it invested in the brand; time, human resources and money.
If you must stand out, do not be deceived, you’ve got to invest a lot in yourself. Just the way you decide to read this to add value to yourself, you must continue to read and continuously seek knowledge. You also need to take advantage of the times. It starts with that little gadget on your hand called a phone, that search engine called Google,  even those social media called facebook, linkedin etc.

Build your brand by solving a major problem. Any idea that is not a major solution to a problem may not be needed after all. Ensure your ideas are unique and are solving someone’s problem. Example is Apple with iphone, ipad etc. To build a major brand; you’ve also got to innovate or die. Where are some of our music artists of the 90s?  Baba Fryo, Blacky, Raskimono etc? Gone with the time.
 Where are the barbers of those days before the arrival of the electronic clipper? Gone with the time. You’ve got to move with the time, adapt new methods and improve continually or you face out.

To build your brand and cash it you’ve also got to network with the right people. It starts from your family, friends, club members, religious circle etc. And it’s not about asking them for money, No! In fact you may not even need their money, Just plug in to the network they have and get connected. Someone always knows somebody that has the resources to make your vision come true. People pay heavily to attend programs for network. Build your network and cash your brand. But does it end there? No when you start generating your cash; it’s time to….

3 Take charge of your cashflow: Making money will not solve your financial problem if cash flow management is the problem. No matter how much you make or I give you, if your funds are not properly managed and utilized you will end up flat broke.

After earning from your passion and brand, your next step is to take control of your cashflow. You should be aware that for every liability you have, you are somebody else’s asset and for every expense you make, it is someone else’s income. 
Most people cannot get ahead financially because every month they have bills to pay. They have phone bills, tax bills, electric bills, gas bills, food bills and so forth.
Every month, they pay everyone else first and pay themselves last, if they have anything left over. Hence, they violate the golden rule of personal finance, which is “pay yourself first”.

            Begin your cashflow management plan.

Ø  Pay yourself first:  put aside a set percentage from each paycheck or payment say (10% or 20%) you receive from other sources. Ensure that you do this no matter how urgent your need seems. Deposit that money into an investment savings account. Once your money goes into the account. NEVER take it out until you are ready to invest it.

Learn to live on the remaining 90% or 80%. You might argue that the 100% is not enough to meet your expenses but the truth is if the 90-80% is not enough then the 100% will not be enough because we have been taught to expand our needs according to the resources available to us.
To achieve your financial goal; you must be ready to cultivate the habit of paying yourself first. Without this achieving, your financial freedom will be a dream.

Ø  Focus on reducing your personal debt if you have any: gaining financial freedom also entails doing it the right way. Debt is an obligation that must be paid. Don’t be like those who don’t pay their debts. The prophet (SAW) was reported to have said that all the sins of a Matyr(shahid) will be forgiven except his misappropriation of debt.

Draw a plan to pay your debt no matter how little it is. Make an agreement with your creditors to pay in installments and ensure you don’t break the agreement. Don’t be discouraged in the amount you have to pay what you should focus on is that you service your debt monthly. With time this gives you credibility and the ease to offset your debts.

Ø  Begin to buy asset that generate cashflow now and not sometime in the future! For our use here; we define assets as what puts money in your pocket and liabilities as what takes money from your pocket. The more assets you can buy, the more your money will be working for you.

Many accountants, financial planners and bankers are struck on the net worth calculations. They do not understand the power of cashflow. They have been trained to put money away until you need it in the future……A saver’s mentality forgetting that inflation, unforeseen circumstances, natural disasters are eating up the assets that is why most people lost their money in the stock market crash. That is one of the disadvantages of investing for capital gains (An increase in the price of an asset).

Review your financial statement and remove all entities in your asset column that do not generate cashflow for you currently.

When you have assets that generate enough monthly cashflow to cover your monthly expenses, you are financially free. This is one of the highly guarded secret of the rich. Acquiring assets that you believe will increase in value in the future and also spending money to maintain it is actually a liability for you.

What is the wisdom behind having five lands and still finding it difficult to put food on the table or living comfortably? Invest in cashflow not capital appreciation.

Ø  Turn your liabilities into assets that generate cashflow: if you have acquired any liability that you think are assets like a house, land or car convert them to cash flow generating assets as much as you can. Rent the raw land out to farmers, car dealers, car washer service provider etc. construct some shops to the landed property and rent it out.

Ø  Apply rule one to the cash flow that you generate and use it to acquire more cashflow producing assets. Don’t stop with just one or two assets.

                  “Note that those who can’t control their cash works for those who can

Monday 28 October 2013


Please note that the words “fight” and “fighting fair”  are used below to mean expressing one’s disagreement or anger to another constructively. At no time should physical harm be considered “fighting fair.”
  1. Know your own feelings. Seek to grow in self-awareness. Being in touch with your own true feelings is essential before you can constructively handle anger or conflict.    
  2. Anger is an emotion – neither right nor wrong in itself. There is no morality to feelings. Try to understand what prompted the feeling. Morality comes into play when you take a destructive action as a result of a feeling.         
  3. Negotiation and compromise are essential in any marriage. During a calm, clear moment agree that neither partner should win a fight. If one wins, the other loses and builds resentment. In effect, both have then lost because the relationship is damaged. Even when one spouse is wrong, permit him or her salvage self-respect.     
  4. Cooling-off periods. Establish ground rules that permit either partner to cool off before trying to resolve anger. It may be necessary to walk or engage in some other physical activity in order to allow anger to dissipate. Such a period can allow a spouse to identify the issue more clearly and organize his or her thoughts, thus keeping the fight more on focus.
  5. Pin down a time and place. Be sure, however, that resolving an issue is not postponed indefinitely. After cooling off, pin down a time and place to continue. For example, after the news goes off and in the living room not in the bathroom doorway while brushing teeth.
  6. Fight by mutual consent. Dont insist on a fight when your spouse is tired or unable to handle the strain. A fair fight requires two ready participants.           
  7. Stick to the subject. When a number of issues seem to be accumulating, present them one at a time. If you have not resolved past issues, put them on a current or future agenda. Make sure both of you go beyond skirmishing, insult rituals, or angry displays. Shooting broadside like a roaring cannon prevents resolution.              
  8. State the issue honestly and clearly. Dont simply say, Im hurt by the way you dont show me respect. Rather, be clear and specific as in, I felt hurt when you saidor when your tone of voice sounds condescending toward me.               
  9. Dont camouflage. Dont evade a deeper grievance by allowing your feelings to center only on less important or extraneous issues. The potatoes are too salty tonight! might be a minor irritant that covers the unspoken, I dont think that you understand all the pressure Im under at work!            
  10. Afraid to fight? If one of you feels afraid to fight, this should not evoke a put down but rather may be a fear of being hurt or rejected. Put the fear on the agenda for later discussion.                   
  11. Dont hit below the belt. Everyone has vulnerable areas. Dont use your confidential knowledge of your partners weaknesses and sensitivities to hurt him/her.          
  12. Dont label. Avoid telling your spouse that he/she is neurotic, depressing, or a bore. Rather, try, Im tense inside, honey, because you seem moody and depressed. Id like us to talk about it.                   
  13. Grant equal time. Agree that no resolution of an issue can be presumed until each partner has had the chance to express his/her feelings, ideas, and information.        
  14. Feedback and clarification. If the fight is emotional and heated, slow it down by starting a feedback loop. One technique is to paraphrase back to your spouse what your heard. For example, Honey, what I hear you saying is that Im boring you because I have no outside interest. Is that right? The other then responds by either confirming the accuracy of your statement or clarifying it.         
  15. Gain new understanding. Extract enough new information and insight from a fight to permit growth. Dont waste a good fight by not learning from it.
  16. Implement changes. Follow anger with a fair, firm, clear request for a change or improvement in whatever brought on the fight. Each partner must be clear as to what he/she agrees to modify or improve. Be specific and realistic. For example, it would be agreed that whenever the husband seemed tense, the wife would encourage him to tell her about it, instead of their old pattern of both keeping silent.             
  17. Develop humour. Humour goes a long way towards promoting healing.       
  18. Keep your fights to yourself. Exceptions would be when more serious problems suggest the need for a counselor. Good counseling is like medicine it helps do what you might not be able to do alone.            
  19. Handling anger in front of children. When anger and conflict initially erupt in front of children, also try to resolve these feelings in front of them. You may need a cooling off period first, but they need to learn about negotiation, discussion, and compromise by watching you do it constructively. Apologizing for excesses in front of children also teaches them about reconciliation.           
  20. “Touch can begin dialogue. Use touch to help your spouse make the entry or re-entry into a communicative mood. A foot reaching over in bed, a hand on the shoulder can say eloquently, Honey, one of us needs to begin the dialogue. Im willing to start.  
  21. Exclude violence. Agree in advance that real violence is always ruled out.        
  22. Is the problem elsewhere? Determine through honest inner searching whether your anger lies primarily (or only secondarily) within the marriage relationship. Spouses might be struggling with poor health, role insecurities at work, fear of death, anxiety about the future, or other unresolved issues. It can be reassuring when a couple realizes that their relationship may not always be the principle problem, even though the real problem still causes anguish.               
  23. Respect crying. Crying is a valid response to how we feel. Do not, however, let crying sidetrack from getting to the real issue causing the conflict.         
  24. Prayer as strength. Major religions view marriage as sacred and prayer as a vital strength. While human behavior principles must not be neglected in learning how to handle conflict constructively, neither should couples neglect the religious resources of their faith in working out their problems.

Wednesday 6 June 2012


Dear Sweetheart,

I’m not a professional ad writer. I’m a personality development coach but what I have to say is so important that I decided to sit down to write you this message in the best way I know. Lately I’ve had a lot of people asking me about the greatest destroyer of a child’s life. Even though I tried and tried to write a good article telling people all about it, I just can’t do it. So I finally figured, why not just tell you exactly what I would tell you if we sat down for a cup of tea….

 Statistics have shown that 50% of FIRST marriages end in divorce and failure! Do you know what percent of SECOND marriages end in divorce? It should be LESS than 50%, right? After all, who would make those same painful mistakes again? People marrying a second time have the "benefit" of knowing what kind of person to pick this time, right?
Dear, the divorce rate for SECOND marriages is 70%! And THIRD marriages; closer to 80%! The chances get worse not better?" That's right. Because the key to succeeding in marriage is NOT finding the right person; it's YOU becoming the right person.

You see, people are not as you see them; people are as YOU are. What do you get when you smile at someone? You get a smile back and if you frown at someone? You get a frown back. What you get is what you are. We are NOT an objective observer of the people in our life; we're a subjective influence. In other words, our presence changes what we observe.

Do you have trust issues in your marriage? Trust is one of the most basic foundations of a good relationship. Without trust, your marriage simply cannot succeed. If you have a loss of trust in your marriage, you need to rebuild that foundation in order to have a happy and healthy relationship.

Everybody is a product of a family; you are what you are today to a large extent as a result of the family you come from. You are probably trying your best to be a good parent. You spend your time, energy and money to make sure your kids get the best clothes and go to the best school. You wake up from 5am-9pm just to put food on the table. All the stress you go through life is probably for your kids. That’s all fine, but make no mistake about it; the most important thing you can do for your children is none of these things. The most important thing you can do for your children has nothing to do with their education or even physical health. The most important thing you can do for your children is to have a GREAT RELATIONSHIP with YOUR SPOUSE. It’s hard to be a good parent unless you have a great marriage. Why? Because teaching your children how to succeed in love and compassion is your most important responsibility. 50% of parental duty is determined by this and the overall effect is on the society at large.

You are what you are today to a large extent as a result of the family you come from. The prophet (SAW) knew this when he said that you should look at the family you want to marry from before tying the nuptial knot. The ills in the society today are vast and it can be curbed to a large extent if each family can inculcate good morals to its members. A home where the children have being taught about the ills of lying will not turn to be a fraudulent adult or be involved in corruption and embezzlement. A family that has modesty as its watch word will not produce a promiscuous adult. If each family take it as its duty to instill discipline and Islamic morals and etiquette; most of the problem in the society will reduce. But can you vouch that your family is part of the solutions in the society not the problems?  

18 Shocking Statistics about Children and Bad Marriage

 I’ve compiled these statistics about children and bad marriages, divorce and breakup for the “I’ll believe it when I see it” type of people who don’t accept anything as true unless it’s from a credible source or it’s been PROVEN in a convincing study. If you are NOT one of these people, you need to read this anyway. These days most people accept divorce/breakup/bad marriage as a way of life, completely unaware of the damage they are doing to their children. Tell your friends, acquaintances and co-workers to read these shocking statistics about bad marriage and children. It may help save a child’s life down the road. (And no, I’m not figuratively speaking either….just keep reading to find out what I mean.) Statistics about Children and Bad Marriage

1. Half of all children will witness the breakup of a parent’s marriage. Of these, close to half will also see the breakup of a parent’s second marriage.” (Furstenberg, Peterson, Nord, and Zill, “Life Course”)
2. Among the millions of children who have seen their parents divorce, one of every 10 will also live through three or more parental marriage breakups. (The Abolition of Marriage, Gallagher)
3. Forty percent of children growing up in Nigeria today are being raised without their fathers.
4. Of all children born to married parents this year, fifty percent will experience the divorce of their parents before they reach their 18th birthday. The EMOTIONALLY Damaging Statistics about children and divorce 5. Studies in the early 1980’s showed that children in repeat divorces earned lower grades and their peers rated them as less pleasant to be around. (Andrew J. Cherlin, Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage –Harvard University Press 1981)
6. Teenagers in single-parent families and in blended families are three times more likely to need psychological help within a given year. (Peter Hill “Recent Advances in Selected Aspects of Adolescent Development” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1993)
7. Compared to children from homes disrupted by death, children from divorced homes have more psychological problems. (Robert E. Emery, Marriage, Divorce and Children’s Adjustment” Sage Publications, 1988) These statistics about children and divorce are pretty shocking, aren’t they? The DEATH of a parent is LESS devastating to a child than a DIVORCE/bad marriage. (Even I wouldn’t believe this if I didn’t see the statistic myself.) The PHYSICALLY Damaging Statistics about Children and Bad marriage/Divorce
8. Children of divorce are at a greater risk to experience injury, asthma, headaches and speech defects than children whose parents have remained married. (Dawson, “Family Structure and Children’s Health and Well Being” National Health Interview Survey on Child Health, Journal of Marriage and the Family)
9. Following break up/divorce, children are fifty percent more likely to develop health problems than two parent families. (Angel, Worobey, “Single Motherhood and Children’s Health”)
10. Children living with both biological parents are 20 to 35 percent more physically healthy than children from broken homes. (Dawson, “Family Structure and Children’s Health and Well-being” Journal of Marriage and the Family)
11. Most victims of child molestation come from single-parent households or are the children of drug ring members.
12. A Child in a female-headed home is 10 times more likely to be beaten or murdered. (The Legal Beagle, July 1984, from “The Garbage Generation”) This is what I mean when I said “these statistics on divorce and children could save a child’s life someday.” Did you read #12? A child raised by his/her mother is 10 times more likely to be beaten or murdered. The Long Term Effects and Statistics about Children and Breakup/Divorce
13. A study of children six years after a parental marriage breakup revealed that even after all that time, these children tended to be “lonely, unhappy, anxious and insecure. (Wallerstein “The Long-Term Effects of Divorce on Children” Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1991)
14. Seventy percent of long-term prison inmates grew up in broken homes. (Horn, Bush, “Fathers, Marriage and Welfare Reform) Problems Relating to Peers
15. Children of divorce are four times more likely to report problems with peers and friends than children whose parents have kept their marriages intact.
16. Children of divorce, particularly boys, tend to be more aggressive toward others than those children whose parents did not divorce. (Emery, “Marriage, Divorce and Children’s Adjustment, 1988) Suicide Statistics about Children and Divorce
17. People who come from broken homes are almost twice as likely to attempt suicide than those who do not come from broken homes. School Drop Out Statistics about Children and Divorce
18. Children of divorced parents are roughly two times more likely to drop out of high school than their peers who benefit from living with parents who did not divorce.

 These are some of the effects of how your bridge of trust can affect your spouse and children. Maybe when next you are about to satisfy your “desire” you should think of how many touts, thugs, thieves and miscreants we have in the society. They are largely as a result of the high level of bad marriages we have in our society.

It is becoming more rampant and heartbreaking when you see that children who could have been a positive impact in the society will turn out to be a societal ill just because of the selfish attitude of their parents.

To appreciate these more; maybe you really need to go to the northern part of Nigeria to see the number of “AlMajiri children” (now turn Boko Haram) rooming the streets and fending for themselves. What do you expect these children to offer the society when they grow older? They have nothing more to offer except violence because they know no other way to go about it. That’s how they understand life.

 Next time you are complaining about an “Area boy or boko haram maladies”, or thief maybe you should ask yourself if you are not producing such children to the society. Who knows; if you continue with your deceit and breakup your marriage; twenty years down the lane you might definitely have added to the society’s problem!

There is nothing better for your children than to be raised amidst the comfort of parents who love each other. And there's nothing more devastating to a young soul than to be the victim of a broken marriage.

 If your children don't see love between you and your spouse, it won't matter where they go to school or how fashionably they dress. But if they witness true love between you and your spouse, you will have given them the greatest gift life has to offer.

Be a good parent. Do everything you can to succeed with your marriage.

If you want to learn how to become the kind of person that your spouse would be nuts to walk away from, if you want to learn how to implement relationship habits that can change the dynamics between you and your spouse, if you want to learn EXACTLY what changes to make to get the result you're looking for, then it’s time to learn what’s the big deal about this trust anyway…..

Order for my new release “Trust In The Family; Alibi’s and Implication”. This book might be your last chance to save your marriage and your children’s destiny!


So let’s wrap it up…. It’s your opportunity to learn how to save your marriage from a bridge of trust and still have a Hot & Sizzling marriage that will be the envy of your peers. 100% money back guarantee; ask for a refund anytime during the first 30 days if you think you are not satisfied with the book. The full amount of your money will be refunded to you immediately.

Yours for greater marital success,
Lateefah Oyin Ola-Quassim
 (Rector Terrific Marital Academy & Author of the Best seller “Love and Human Nature)

P.S: Ordering for more than five copies attracts a 30% discount.
P.P.S: The book is banked by 100% money back guarantee.
 P.P.P.S: Buying up to 10 copies also attract a copy of my number 1 best seller “Love and Human Nature”.